Group Classes | 0 - 4 year olds

Baby Beats

0 - 2.5 years

A wonderful, hands-on start for developing a life-long love of music.

Songs, stories, games, activities, and heaps of fun percussion and music from the very start of life!

30min classes

For more information on the syllabus visit Encore Music


Tuesday 9:45 - 10:15am


Kinder Beat

2.25 - 3.75 years

An award-winning Australian designed and internationally recognised introduction to music for very young kids.

30min classes, grouped by ages.
KB-1 Thu (DOB before 01.11.22)
KB-2 Thu (DOB before 01.02.22)


Thursday 09:30 - 10:00am

Thursday 10:00 - 10:30am

Kinder Beat is an outstanding award winning start to music. It features musical activities and skills that 21st century children need for cognitive development and accelerated learning. Setting the benchmark for early childhood music, our engaging characters Kinder Bear, Kinder Roo and Joey, embed fun into the lessons. Each class is a building block ensuring musical enjoyment is extended with each new song.

Lots of creativity, two full-colour workbooks with professional quality CDs, taught in a fun, relaxed classroom environment supported by a Parent or Carer.

  • 30-minute weekly class

  • Maximum 10 students per class

  • A parent or carer must attend each class, siblings can attend morning class

  • For more information on the syllabus visit Encore Music

Instruments and Props:

  • Music Box, Rainbow Ring, Parachute, Streamers, Hoops, Scarves, Balls

  • Flash Cards, Worksheets, Specialised musical interaction via a different character toy each level

  • Chime Bars, Puppets, Coloured Felt Strips, Bells, Shakers, Rhythm Sticks, Tambourines


Introduction to foundation skills necessary for all musicians:

  • Beat, Metre, and Rhythm – Using A Wide Range of Percussion Instruments

  • Aural – Developing Listening Skills

  • Pitch – Singing Songs

  • Gross Motor Skills – Movement, Action, Body Percussion

  • Movement, Dance, Gesture

  • Musical Games


Kinder Beat Piano

3.75 - 4.5 years

An award-winning introduction to music for pre-schoolers, preparing little fingers to play with rhythm, coordination, and aural skills.

45min classes
1 level, Tue (DOB before 01.05.21)


Tuesday 10:15 - 11:00am

Kinder Beat Piano has set a new benchmark for early childhood piano. Super Cool Mouse is the hip character adding that special dimension to this unique and developmentally precise exploration of the piano.

Each 45-minute weekly, interactive music programme is specifically designed to develop all aspects of early music fundamentals for this most receptive age group. Rhythm is treated as the most important foundation element because it is the basis of all music-making, no matter what instrument or style the child chooses later in life. Appropriate hand and finger shapes is carefully managed and developed while exploring creativity on both the black and white keys, as well as playing rhythmic and melodic ensembles.

  • 45-minute weekly class

  • Maximum 10 students per class

  • A parent or carer must attend each class, siblings can attend morning class

  • For more information on the syllabus visit Encore Music

Focus Activities:

  • Pitch through singing and listening

  • Movement, gesture and response

  • Encouragement of creativity and improvisation

  • Body Percussion and Ensemble playing

  • Development of Gross and Fine motor skills and co-ordination

  • Rhythmic response using Percussion Instruments

  • Musicianship skills through songs, rhymes and rhythm

  • Listening Skills through Music Appreciation

  • Elementary Notation, Rhythmic Reading, Composition and Writing

  • Verbal Interaction, Discipline, Self-Control, Concentration, etc

  • Music Games and Activities for musical fun and social interaction

  • Worksheets and Flashcards

  • Learning to work in a Group and develop Social Skills and new friendships

Group Classes | 4½ - 10 year olds


4.5 - 6.75 years

Our internationally respected core programme for all piano beginners

Develops aural and piano skills in a fun, relaxed environment with lots of short engaging segments in each class.

Delightfully different to traditional piano lessons!

45min classes
4 levels (Jun-1 DOB before 01.08.20)


Monday 4.30 - 5.15pm

Thursday 3.45 - 4.30pm

Junior Piano features the lovable Onkie characters, who assist in developing multiple learning layers and whole-pattern learning to promote faster, more accurate learning of music as a language, so children feel and think in musical units. It builds confidence in children because every aspect of learning the piano is purposeful, stimulating, and engaging.

Children are grouped by age in classes.

Junior is specifically designed to encompass a wide range of musical activity in short segments across different “work stations”, which enables concentration levels to be kept at the optimum during the lesson. Our classrooms are equipped with a quality Digital Piano for each student in the classroom, as well as a full range of Percussion Instruments. Magnetic Music Boards for all students simplify theoretical work and all piano pieces are learned with the additional support of Speed Variable Backing Tracks.

  • A Parent or Carer sits beside each student and assists with discipline, motivation, and class participation.

  • Students must have a suitable Piano/Digital Piano/Keyboard for home practice from the first lesson.

  • Maximum 10 students per class

  • Children from the age of 7 who’ve had no or minimal previous musical experience begin at Primary.

  • For more information on the syllabus visit Encore Music

In each weekly lesson, the students experience:

  • Songs for enjoyment, musical expression and musical foundation

  • Aural (Ear) – to train the musical ear for faster comprehension

  • Singing using words and solfege, to build a library of pitch and melodic patterns

  • Percussion – practical experience of learned rhythmic patterning

  • Finger Zips to develop keyboard skills on a micro level

  • Ensembles to develop part-playing skills

  • Keyboard Harmony skills, to play chords, transpose, play by ear, and improvise



7 - 10 years

Primary develops the same musical skills as Junior, for older beginners aged 7-10.

45min classes
2 levels (Pri-1 DOB before 01.02.18)


Thursday 4:30 - 5:15pm

Primary is a dynamic, comprehensive series of 2 books (with Speed and Key Variable Backing Tracks,) where children learn to play hands together from the very first lesson! Because it teaches the piano using a “five finger” approach rather than the “middle C” approach, it allows students to learn the piano as both a melodic and harmonic instrument, treating the right and left hands as equal partners and establishing a musical versatility that allows the hands to swap parts with ease.  A wide range of musical styles is experienced from Baroque to Rock and Jazz to Pop.  Primary introduces Finger Taps which establish finger numbers, develop dexterity and reinforce fingering patterns.  They are an excellent way to develop the young musician.

(For more detail see also Junior above)

  • A Parent or Carer sits beside each student and assists with discipline, motivation, and class participation.

  • Students must have a suitable Piano/Digital Piano/Keyboard for home practice from the first lesson.

  • A maximum of 10 children per class.

  • For more information on the syllabus visit Encore Music

Group Classes | 10+ year olds

Group Achiever Classes

Approx 8.5+ years

Students who complete Junior, Primary or Accent, graduate to Achiever (4 levels) developing piano skills in creativity, improvisation, composition, and technical ability through to approx Grade 4 level.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Junior, Primary, Accent levels (or equivalent).


Transfer students please see Lyndon for matching class times

Achiever is for graduates of Junior, Primary, or Accent classes, to further expand the musical and technical skills being developed. Through four excellent books (all with their own Variable Key and Speed Backings) the students learn to develop a higher level of artistry, technical proficiency and creative fun!  Achiever is suitable for a wide range of ages and based on training the student in musicianship not just piano performance.  The student develops practical skills in playing by ear, sight reading, exploring different voicing, transposing at the keyboard, playing along with chord progressions, keyboard harmony, scales, cadences.

This is an exciting course where students learn to bridge traditional and modern styles, and where they discover how to think outside the score, to understand the theory underpinning each song and then being able to add their own flavour to make it their own.

Achiever is carefully graded so performance pieces and musicianship skills are closely aligned with music exams for those interested in going further on piano.  At the end of Achiever students will have achieved a playing standard equivalent to around grade 3 or 4. Wow!

 “I returned to the piano after more than 35 years and what I am learning through the Microwave program at IAM Hobart is incredible. It’s enabling me to sit at my piano and play all my favourite music.”



Microwave Your Music

Group & Individual

13 - 102 years

Microwave Music is a quicker, easier way to play contemporary music the way it’s actually played on recordings and “live”, not like you’ll see in trad books and exams. Actual skills, actual songs! (no prereq).

45min classes
30min individual lessons


Wednesday 6:15 - 7:00pm

Entry via individual catch-up only

Microwave Your Music is a contemporary adult keyboard class teaching a quicker, easier way to play, and sing-along with songs of your choice. This is ideal for adults who enjoy music from the 1960’s onwards and who may have an interest in learning how to write lyrics and compose their own music.

Adult Group Classes


13 - 102 years

Accent is specifically developed for adult and teenage beginners, to build musical self-confidence along with a practical understanding of keyboard skills, theory, musicianship, and chords.

45min classes

2 levels (no prereq).


Monday 7:15 - 8:00pm
Entry via individual catch-up only

Individual Lessons

Individual Lessons

8 - 102 years

We recommend all students develop aural and rhythm skills in our group lessons before individual lessons. But if you’re too old for Primary, individual lessons are available in all levels of Encore, plus Keyboard, Guitar, Bass, Uke, Drums, Strings, Vocals, Theory, Exams.


Monday to Friday 9:00am - 7:00pm

Saturday 9:00am - 12:30pm

We offer Individual Lessons in Piano, Keyboard, Guitar, Bass, Drums, Vocal.  Lessons are available 6 days/week morning, noon, and night for ages 8+.

For children younger than 9 we strongly recommend starting with the IAM class lessons (see Kids’ Lessons) to build excellent skills in musicianship no matter what instrument they’re interested in later on.

Please contact us for available spots or for more information.

St Cecilia Exams

St Cecilia Exams

IAM is the only school in Hobart offering International St Cecilia Concert Exams across all grades, all ages, all instruments, as well as vocals.  Traditional exams also available.  Dept Ed approved for bonus points towards your TCE! Non-IAM students very welcome for all exams.


Sunday 22 June 2025

Zoom/Video exams available


St Cecilia Theory & Musicianship Exams

Hobart’s only St Cecilia International Theory and Musicianship Exams, all styles, all grades, Tas Dept Ed approved for bonus points towards your TCE!
Non-IAM students very welcome.


New Student Class Timetable

If you’re an existing student looking for a current class timetable let us know next time you’re in or email us


Baby Beats
0 - 2.5 year olds | View class info

Kinder Beat - 1
2.5 - 3.75 year olds | View class info
Kinder Beat - 2
2.5 - 3.75 year olds | View class info

Kinder Beat Piano

3.75 - 4.5 year olds | View class info

Junior Group Classes
4.5 - 6 year olds | View class info

Primary Group Classes
7 - 10 year olds | View class info

Adult Accent Piano Class
13 - 102 year olds | View class info

Adult Microwave Contemporary Class (MYM)

13 - 102 year olds | View class info

Individual Lessons
8 - 102 year olds | View class info

Baby Beats-9:45 - 10:15am----
Kinder Beat - 1---9:30 - 10:00am--
Kinder Beat - 2---10:00 - 10:30am--
Kinder Beat Piano-10:15 - 11:00am----
Junior4:30 - 5:15pm--3:45 - 4:30pm--
Primary---4:30 - 5:15pm--
Accent7:15 - 8:00pm-----
Microwave Your Music--6:15 - 7:00pm---
Individual LessonsAvailable 9am - 7pmAvailable 9am - 7pmAvailable 9am - 7pmAvailable 9am - 7pmAvailable 9am - 7pmAvailable 9am - 12:30pm

Enrolment Enquiry